I decided that my first idea caused trouble since I figured out that creating the pieces to go with the idea would be beyond what I think I could produce since im not very well educated on photoshop. I decided to change my concentration to having close up pictures of pieces that work together to allow a complex machine to work and I felt that this would help create a more obvious connection and would also allow for a more limited color scheme. I'm not as happy with my final product yet as i hoped so I'm going to take better photos or edit them to make them better. I've found some pictures that i want to model my concentration after.
The central idea of my concentration is that everything is made of smaller parts that allow it to function and that attention to detail is important in everything. This picture shows how the strength of the materials ultimately make the product better, and i just feel that this picture shows that this part is important to the function of the car as a very complex machine. I feel that i have shown how intricate the make up of a car is and that every part is important. I think that i should use more elements in my photos in my future concentrations.